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Tend_Stacked_Lockup_Prussian Blue




Frequently Asked Questions


Account, Billing, and Payment

How can I manage, update, or cancel my account?

If I cancel my contract, will I get a refund?

Can I pay for Tend as part of my insurance payment?


How do renewals work?

Will my rate go up when I renew?


What does Tend cover that my homeowners insurance does not?

What is not covered under a Tend Home warranty?

Filing a claim

What is the claim process with Tend?

What if a repair is less than my deductible?

What if a repair is more than my deductible?

What if my equipment cannot be repaired?

Do I pay for the repair or replacement first , or do I get an estimate, and Tend will pay my provider?

Are there limits to the number of claims I can file?

Who do I call to make a claim for Tend?